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Jyväskylän Isännöintipalvelu Oy Services

Jyväskylän Isännöintipalvelu Oy takes care all the services that includes to the real estate management: billing, all other routine business, We are full of energy, effective and experienced organisation. These words are the best for describing us. How these words can be seen in our everyday work?

Full of Energy and Effective

We want and we will do much more than just minimum. The basic business is in all cases how the building, housing co-operative, shareholders and can be attended in the best way. Things are happening when somebody (=we) is forcing them to happen!

We always put the service tickets to the service person right away!

Peoples have talked several years in a housing co-operative that they should make a pipe and electricity renewal project. When this housing co-operative changed managering to Jyväskylän Isännöintipalvelu Oy, talks moved soon to engineering and economical plans with schedules, and it was easy to make decision of renewal project in shareholders' meeting.

Our target is in everything to be always fast, accurate and efficient. We want that planned and decided actions will be implemented as soon as possible.

Do You want that in your housing co-operative will move from talks to action? Ask an managering offer.


We have been in real estate managing business since 1990. In these decades we have seen and been involved housing co-operatives and the residents lifes in very many ways:


All our customers has extranet service. Our extranet is designed to be zero admin - our managers are just working normally and results is bunch of documents in everyday. These document can been seen in our extranet automatically, some in board section, and some of them in housing co-operatives section. These is no need for separate publishing process. Every document is handled in extranet automatically depending of document type.

Tili- ja isännöinti m2
Tekniikantie 2 C
FI-02150 Espoo
Tel: +358 207 352 810
e-mail: toimisto (at)
