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Tili- ja isännöinti m2

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Efficient Real Estate Management!

We are a Real Estate Management office that operates in Central Finland, Tampere and Espoo area, and we control Real Estates' affairs, efficiently and ecologically. In Jyväskylä we do business with name of Jyväskylän Isännöintipalvelu Oy and other with our auxiliary business name Tili ja isännöinti m2.

What is real estate management

Real estate management is an expert service which ensures that everyday life in residences runs smoothly, living costs can be estimated beforehand and repair projects go according to the plan. Real estate management looks after the homes of 2.7 million people in Finland living in terraced houses and blocks of flats.

Why you should select us as your Real Estate Manager

Our personnel is very talent and experienced. Our zero-admin extranet service developed by ourselves with state-of-the-art real estate manger system gives us competitive advantage, and we can sell our product with very cost-effective. You can ask for an offer from here.

Values of Jyväskylän Isännöintipalvelu Oy

We belong to the Finnish Real Estate Management FederationFinnish Real Estate Management Federation

Tili- ja isännöinti m2
Tekniikantie 2 C
FI-02150 Espoo
Tel: +358 207 352 810
e-mail: toimisto (at)
